Soliera robusta (Grev.) Kylin


Soliera robusta (Grev.) Kylin


Thallus tufted, irregularly branched on all sides, 10 - 37 cm in height; main axis 2-3 mm thick, slender and thinner specimens 1-2 cm thick; cylindrical; branches abruptly attenuated at base to form a short stipe; elsewhere of almost same thickness, cylindrical, tapering slowly to an acute apex. Apex with tuft of short rudimentary branches; section of thallus with long branching and anastomosing filaments, 6-8µ width in medullary portion; cortex of large, oblong, rounded, polygonal cells, 110-130µ diameter; epidermal cells 15 - 20µ in a layer, rounded loosly arranged seen in surface view; tetraspores in cortical layer from terminal cells of branchlets; tetraspores zonately divided. Cystocarp producing carpospores

Uses : Source of carrageenan.

Culture/Cultivation :